I love this book, purely and simply, do. John Steinbeck is great and now I'm not so wary of his work. You know those authors that you see, and their books look a bit dull so you're a bit apprehensive to read anything by them. Such authors included in this could be Fitzegarald, Dostoevsky, and a whole range of others. Everyone has an author of whom they dread to read, and Steinbeck was mine.
Now, I've been living in this new year of 2009 for 14 hours now, and I have already read a book, so things are going pretty well in that department. I started this book just after midnight, got about eleven pages read, decided I needed some sleep, got up and since about 10am, I have been reading this book. Not constantly, but for the most part.
It's a great book, much in the way that books like The Great Gatsby are great. I know that some people have sheer dislike for Gatsby, mainly because they were forced to read it during school, at a time in their life when they just couldn't enjoy it. That was the time of life I read Great Gatsby, and I loved it at school, but I appeared to be one of the few.
This book deserves its spot on the list, and if it were ever to be removed, I would say there will be hell to pay for Dr Peter Boxall who is basically the one who edits this book all together, and goes through it etc etc. You know what I mean. Perhaps.
Basically the book centers around two guys who go to work at a farm. One of them is mentally disabled, and so has trouble understanding exactly what is going on, the other looks out for him, and makes sure he doesn't get into trouble. The book is short, and moves quickly, so it won't take you very long. My version was 120 pages. I recommend getting the version printed in "Popular Penguin", the cheap ones with the orange covers. If you're in Australia (or New Zealand), you'll know the ones. I'm not sure if they're printed elsewhere. The font in this one is extraordinarily good. The size is just perfect. I'm the kind of person who doesn't particularly enjoy small fonts. Not those oversized large print ones, but the sensible size 12 fonts, those are good.
Anywho, that's really all I had to say on this book, hope you have a great reading year!
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